Strawberry-Banana-Orange Smoothie "Just like Jamba" Strawberry Smoothie

Prep/Cooking Time:

5 Minutes


  • 1/2 Cup (4oz.) Light Vanilla Yogurt (or flavor of choice)
  • 1/2 banana
  • 6 medium strawberries
  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • 4 ice cubes


  1. Blend together first four ingredients, add ice-cubes and blend until smooth. Enjoy!


2 Servings

Nutrition per serving:

CaloriesCarbsTot. FatSat. FatTrans FatUnsat. FatCholesterolProteinFiber
% Calories from Fat 3.86% % Fat from Unsat. Fat 75.00%
% Calories from Carbs 82.40% % Fat from Saturated Fat 25.00%
% Calories from Protein 13.73% %Fat from Trans Fat 0.00%